We Are All Family

SC News

Horse racing in Canada is a very unique industry. We have many different sorts of participants; there are owners, trainers, grooms, breeders, and fans and then people who are some or all of those.

Le plus vieux des sports

Point De Vue

Pour le gouvernement, il s’agit d’une partie d’échecs. Protéger la classe politique – leurs rois et leurs reines. Veiller sur leurs précieux programmes – leurs chevaliers et leurs fous.

The Longest of Games

The View

To government, it’s a game of chess. Protect the politicians — their kings and queens. Guard the precious programs — their knights and bishops.


The Value of History


Long before Canada knew of hockey’s Original Six or the Crazy Canucks ski team, our equine champions were on the ice and in the snow making this country proud, setting world records and racing their


What Sets Us Apart

SOI 2012

Three accomplished horsemen — Jim Wellwood (Ontario), Brent MacGrath (Nova Scotia), and Chad Schmiedge (Alberta) — that have had their share of experience working outside racing share their view


Making the Chinese Connection

International Export

Michael Gulotta and Scott Fellin, alongside Fidencio Cervantez, run Deo Volente Farm in Flemington, New Jersey, with a real focus on high end standardbred babies and broodmares; in 2009, after just on


Huw's Anatomy

International Export

For nearly a decade, this Canadian equine veterinarian traversed the planet, performing his innovative surgical technique on some of our sport’s most prolific representatives.


1 Down. 106 To Go

Green Space

Conservative MPP Jeff Yurek visits a bustling training center, and soon realizes exactly what Ontario horse racing can really offer the province and its citizens.


Profondément enracinée

Online Feature: Family & Community

Les racines des courses canadiennes courent fermement dans tous les coins de notre pays, mais tout particulièrement dans les provinces Maritimes, où de nombreuses grandes familles


Deeply Rooted

Online Feature: Family & Community

Canadian racing roots run strong in all corners of our country, but particularly in the Maritimes, where many large families are involved in our sport from every angle.