Conflict Of Interest In Quebec?

Reports from Quebec indicate that the judge presiding over the case determining the future of harness racing in Quebec may be stepping down

after revelations that her husband is a partner in the law firm representing the secured creditors.

The Montreal affiliate of CTV aired a report on Saturday stating that the possible conflict of interest came up during a conference call last week. Judge Chantal Corriveau revealed that her husband is a partner in Ogilvie Renault - the legal team working for the secured creditors, thus possibly keeping their investment safe.

Corriveau reportedly stated during the conference call that if the lawyers had issue with her position, it would have to be stated in writing. The lawyers representing the breeders have filed a complaint.

"The lawyers are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars to deal with legal issues involving security, while the horsemen and all the other unsecured creditors are getting zero - nil," stated lawyer Reevin Pearl.

The court case resumes on Monday, with Attractions Hippiques set to propose a new restructuring plan.

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