Horse Saved From Bathtub


Stories about horses being rescued make it to mainstream news outlets with some regularity. Be it a horse trapped in an icy pond, a swimming pool or a storage tank, equine being saved from unenviable predicaments is not necessarily anything new. A horse being saved from a bathtub? Well, that may be a first.

Earlier this week, FOX 40 in California reported that 911 was called after a female Palomino Appaloosa horse named Phantom became stuck in an outdoor bathtub.

In speaking about the situation after the fact, Phantom’s owner, Charles Campbell, said, “This place never surprises me. It produces all types of stories.”

The FOX 40 reports states that firefighters were dispatched to the Sacramento County farm. The 25-minute ordeal concluded when responders used some quick thinking to get the horse loose.

Campbell explained that the firefighters “had some lumber in their trucks, and they brought it out.” He went on to say that “they pried and they basically tipped the tub.”

The horse owner explained that Phantom, who is an older equine, was in heat and she slipped into the tub while checking out a potential mate.

“Frisky. Yeah, it’s getting too close to Valentine’s Day,” said Campbell, who later went on to say, “I guess I’ll have to get one of those old folks’ tubs that has the door on it.”

(With files from FOX 40)

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