Blanchard Gets New Appointment At WEG


The most recognizable face in Canadian harness racing broadcasts is arguably that of Greg Blanchard of the Woodbine Entertainment Group. As Nick Oakes of The Guardian explains, the industry veteran has served in many capacities throughout the sport, and he is now

tackling some additional duties with the Canadian racing giant.

In addition to his on-air duties, Blanchard, 40, has recently been appointed to a managing role within the WEG Communications Department.

"I'm very much looking forward to taking on this new role," Blanchard told Trot Insider. "I think this is going to be a very important next year or two for standardbred racing and I know there will be many challenges. My goal will be to further develop our (WEG's) different platforms and get stronger messaging out there, especially to our valued customers."

Blanchard's roots within the standardbred racing industry run deep. In his column in The Guardian, Nick Oakes explains that the native of Clyde River, PEI has worked on both sides of the Canada/U.S. border, and that his talent in front of the camera is just as sharp as his delivery behind the microphone and work behind the scenes.

“As odd as it sounds, but with the state of the industry and the challenges it faces, I’m going to be one of those guys that goes down swinging," Blanchard told Oakes. "It’s a challenge and hopefully I can be one of those people who makes a difference.’’

(With files from The Guardian)


Glad to see that Greg is taking on another task and that we are not going to lose him. He is dedicated, passionate and talented. He does such a fine job and is quite an asset for the standardbred industry in Canada.

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