Send Well Wishes To Doug Harkness

With the holiday season underway, Standardbred Canada and Trot Magazine would like to give its readership the opportunity to send well wishes to Atlantic Post Calls editor

Doug Harkness, who is recuperating in hospital from heart surgery.

After having been hospitalized for weeks in November due to pneumonia, Harkness underwent a 10-hour surgery on December 1. Harkness, 71, had a successful bi-valve replacement and triple bypass surgery.

Harkness remains in the cardiac unit (Room 5) of the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, 1796 Summer St., Halifax, NS, B3H 2A7, 902-473-1510 (main switchboard).

Trot Insider has learned that a fundraiser for Harkness is currently in the works. Details of the fundraiser will be announced soon.

Standardbred Canada encourages everyone to convey some holiday cheer and well wishes to Harkness via the 'comments' section which appears below this story.


Uncle Doug,

Rest in Peace.....I love you. You were a great, funny person who could break an awkward silence with a good joke..! My thoughts are with Heather and her family, DJ and my family.

I know we were miles apart but never far from my heart.

I love you and may your everlast be all that God it to be.



In reply to by clamo800

The Harkness Family
I wanted to reach out to my Dad’s friends in the horse world that he really needs them to come for a visit. Dad has been hospitalized since November 09, 2009 and he is in the Queen Elizabeth II health science center 5th floor Cardiac ICU. It has been a super long haul for him and at the request of the nurses and on the behalf of the Harkness family anyone that knows Dad that can come for a 5 minute visit would really lift his spirits. Hopefully it will be the thing that can get him back on track. Our thanks go out to all the horse families’ contributions and donations to help our family in our time of need. Dad would love to hear anything from a horseman right know even if it’s not true. If anyone would like to reach my mom they can do so directly at 902.473.7197.

Anyone who would like to reach me can do so at 808.205.8295 or through my email at: [email protected]

Doug, we are pulling for you to get better soon. Our prayers go out to you and your family.

Dear Doug: I hope you recover quickly from your operation. Everyone wants to see you back but please take the time to get healthy and healed properly as your well being is whats most important to us all, old buddy. Merry Christmas to you and yours. We hope you have a wonderful and healthy 2010. John and Eileen King

Hi Doug,
Best wishes for a speedy recovery from all your friends and racing pals in Pugwash and Amherst. Buster Polley can't wait until they transfer you back to the hospital in Amherst so he can be in the same room with you. Nurses BEWARE. haha.

We are all praying for a speedy return of you and the Post Calls.
Bert McWade

Hi Doug best wishes for 2010 and hope you are feeling better soon we miss you and hope to see you up and about soon. Dale Pinkney and family

Hi Doug, hope you are returning to form quickly. The hospital is rarely nice but especially not at Christmas. Have a speedy recovery and we'll see you at the Industry meetings. Best wishes.

We wish Doug a complete & speedy recovery; our family is thinking of your family & hope you get home soon.

From The Starratt's (Betty, John, Tara, Evan & Brenden) & The Scott's (Connie & Sheldon) in Truro.

Hi Doug,
Hope you have a speedy recovery! All the best in 2010.



Doug,Wishing you a speedy recovery and a return to full health again soon. Looking forward to seeing you back in the harness racing circles again.

Hi Doug,

I Would like to wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are out and about very soon.I certainly miss your weely colunm in the Guardian and the Atlantic Post Calls. All the best in 2010


eldon jamieson
Hi Doug :
Sorry to hear about your health problems . Bet wishes for a speedy recovery from Patsy ,Julie and i .You are a pioneer in Maritime harness racing journalism.We all owe you for yor dedication to the sport in the " best and worst times ." We do not want to lose the man who is the voice of the sport in the Maritimes .God Bless you and your family .Get well soon .Patsy ,Julie , and Eldon

doug keep pacing and stay tought we in cape breton are cheering for you. happy holidays ..kansas

doug. get well sonn we here in the old cape are cheering for u . take care and get well soon. happy holidays.. kansas

Dear Doug

Wishing you a speedy recovery and happy and healthy 2010.

Thelma O'Connor

If you would like to see the CAPTAIN let me know and I will get Fillmore to drop him off.


Down here in the lower 48, we wish you all the best and a speedy recovery. We thank you for your contribution to standardbred racing and wish you nothing but the best in 2010. Hope you are home soon.

Doug, We wish you a speedy recovery. It's not pleasant to be in the hospital this time of year and for so long!
Bob will call you if you feel up to phone calls.
All the very best to you and your family.
Take care!

Lloyd Palmer

Marion joins me in wishing you a speedy recovery and all of the best to you for this Christmas Season and for 2010.

Lloyd Palmer

Hi Doug ,

I hope you get well soon. Wishing you all the best.

Ozzie, Michelle, Dixie , Emmons , Tammy , Glenn

hi doug
wishing you a full recovery and we all miss your weekly article in the charlottetown guardian and of course the post calls.
as we get older it takes longer to bounce back then what we think it should but we know you will and we look foreward to seeing you at the track in the near future
all the best in 2010
kennie macdonald and everybody at the cindy farm on whim road

Doug, God Bless and wishing you a speedy recovery. Harness Racing misses your candid opinions and of course your baby " The Atlantic Post Calls ".



It wasn't long ago you were asking about my father's condition and now our focus is on you. As you know, our sport is a family and I consider you an immediate member. This sport needs more people like you that become part of our fabric that makes this sport interesting and entertaining. We need you back as soon as possible. Merry Christmas!

All the best from the Hennessey family. Wish we could be there for you.
Keep the faith and may God Bless,
Wally, Barb, and Kristy

Best Wishes Mr Harness.... I was just down the same road oct 15th one yr past...Nine Stints... Here is hoping you have a very speedy recovery....


Here's wishing you a very speedy recovery and all the best over the holidays. When you're feeling better we'll get together and have some holiday cheer - just you, me and our good friend Captain Morgan!

Ken Middleton

Merry Christmas Doug to you and yours and all the best in 2010 - I know we will be hearing from you, so have a good one. Ian and Nancy Moore

Best wishes and get well soon. Greetings from all the old gang at the Times and Transcript, Moe, Eddie, Jim, Harris and Elizabeth. We know you will be back in harness soon and raring to go. Moe

Hang in there, Doug!

I just wanted to wish you and your family all the best during the holiday season!

Everyone here at SC is thinking of you.


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