Update On EPR Spill

It has been reported that drivers Phil Sowers and Stephen Trites escaped with non-life-threatening injuries after an accident at Exhibition Park Raceway led to a no-contest Sunday, August 23


An article by the Telegraph-Journal states that Sowers, 67, suffered some lower back pain, while Trites suffered a dislocated left shoulder.

Chris Connor of Horse Racing New Brunswick has told Trot Insider that he spoke with Trites this morning when the 47-year-old was at the barn.

According to the chartline, I X L made a break going into the first turn and fell. The mare, which started from the pole position, was being driven by Sowers. The fallen mare caused a chain reaction of interference to trailing horses and drivers.

The status of the horses involved in the accident is still unknown at this time.

To view Sunday’s harness racing results, click here.

Click here to the read the Telegraph-Journal article in its entirety.

(With files from Telegraph-Journal)


This past Sunday was yet another indication that the presence of an on-track ambulance is needed to be put in place on any day that horse races are held in Saint John.

In previous years, a track ambulance staffed with a first responder and medical equipment, were always on hand as is the case in any sport that I can think of.

There was an accident this past Sunday when a horse stumbled causing another driver to be thrown from the bike. Horse racing is a dangerous sport. These animals are travelling at a high rate of speed and are close in proximity to one another.

When races were held under the Saint John Exhibition Association, there was always a staffed ambulance on hand with the equipment needed to assist should an accident occur. Since Horse Racing New Brunswick took over, there has been no ambulance for any of its race cards.

Although it’s not a mandatory rule by the governing body of Maritime racing, it’s common sense and the cost of doing business. In my opinion, no racing should be held until a staffed ambulance is in place for safety of the drivers, the trainers, and even people on hand at what is a sporting event where injuries can take place in the blink of an eye.

Same case scenario in Fredericton, no on-hand medical services are available while races are being conducted.

Don’t the operators care enough to have a stand-by ambulance on hand?

Scott Waddell
Saint John, N.B.

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