Top Trainers at Rideau Carleton Raceway

Top Winning Trainers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through May 30, 2024

TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                  116    26    20    16     158,524    22.4    .365
Guy Gagnon                     58    19    13    10     104,750    32.8    .509
Stephane Pouliot               96    17    13    16     100,288    17.7    .307
Victor C Puddy                 97    13    15    13      96,610    13.4    .264
Isabelle D Darveau             31     7     5     1      38,292    22.6    .326
Marc-andre Simoneau            33     6    10     4      46,461    18.2    .390
Michael Armstrong              58     6     8    11      45,270    10.3    .243
Yves Tessier                   20     6     6     1      34,217    30.0    .483
Brian A Scott                  36     5     3     9      30,427    13.9    .268
Macy A Cassell Smyth           46     4     6     7      31,711     8.7    .210
Andre Lachance                  7     4     0     1      16,340    57.1    .619
Gordon S Ley                    8     4     0     0      13,070    50.0    .500
John A Macmillan               44     3     7     5      35,322     6.8    .194
Benoit Hebert                  19     3     2     4      21,778    15.8    .286
William S Douglas               7     3     2     1      13,144    42.9    .634
Michel Lagace                  10     3     2     1      17,716    30.0    .444
Catherine Girard               10     3     0     1      11,724    30.0    .333
Ty Robillard                    5     3     0     1       9,720    60.0    .666
Robert C Robinson              11     2     5     0      18,220    18.2    .434
Jacques Beaudoin               24     2     3     6      18,238     8.3    .236
Eric Lafleur                   18     2     3     2      16,217    11.1    .240
Robert Bernicky                 9     2     2     3      12,428    22.2    .456
Alain Martin                   28     2     2     3      13,581     7.1    .146
Jerome Lombart                 10     2     1     1       8,911    20.0    .288
Stephane Mayer                 16     2     1     1      10,811    12.5    .180
Gerard G Vaillancourt          23     2     0     4      13,060     8.7    .144
Ted S Mcdonald                 19     1     4     2      13,838     5.3    .204
Mike P Healey                  22     1     2     5      11,502     4.5    .171
Andrew A Moore                 10     1     2     0       7,658    10.0    .211
James D Armitage                9     1     1     2       7,217    11.1    .246
Jamie W Johnston               16     1     1     2       6,321     6.2    .138
Darcy W Clancy                  6     1     1     1       5,288    16.7    .314
Geoffrey A Davidson             6     1     1     1       5,320    16.7    .314
Katia Leclerc                  10     1     1     1       5,700    10.0    .188
Wayne H Laviolette              7     1     1     0       5,244    14.3    .222
Sylvain Tremblay                8     1     1     0       4,560    12.5    .194
Maxime Velaye                   6     1     1     0       7,674    16.7    .259
Yves Corbin                     7     1     0     1       4,100    14.3    .190
Helene Fillion                  5     1     0     0       3,016    20.0    .200
Gilbert Mercier                 7     1     0     0       3,260    14.3    .142
Sam Sergi                      11     1     0     0       4,420     9.1    .090
Richard Simard                  8     1     0     0       5,830    12.5    .125
Melanie Plourde                16     0     5     3      10,670     0.0    .236
Emily Veinot                   11     0     4     1       8,219     0.0    .232
Patrick J Dillon                6     0     2     2       6,766     0.0    .296
Scott J Henry                   6     0     2     0       4,960     0.0    .185
Jennifer Mcbride               20     0     2     0       4,294     0.0    .055
Alain Filion                   17     0     1     2       6,506     0.0    .071
Ryan Guy                        9     0     1     2       4,900     0.0    .135
Marie-claude Auger              4     0     1     1       3,350     0.0    .222

                    Last 20 Days 23/11/2023 thru 30/5/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                  118    26    20    16     159,374    22.0    .359
Guy Gagnon                     71    21    16    10     119,076    29.6    .467
Victor C Puddy                119    19    15    21     128,189    16.0    .288
Stephane Pouliot              120    17    14    21     110,014    14.2    .264
Marc-andre Simoneau            42    10    10     5      62,309    23.8    .410
Isabelle D Darveau             39     9     7     1      51,408    23.1    .339
Michael Armstrong              79     8    13    17      65,948    10.1    .264
Yves Tessier                   28     7     7     1      40,828    25.0    .400
Brian A Scott                  46     6     4    11      38,169    13.0    .258
Andre Lachance                 11     5     0     1      21,460    45.5    .484

                    Last 15 Days 31/3/2024 thru 30/5/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                  108    23    18    15     142,758    21.3    .351
Guy Gagnon                     55    17    13    10      96,350    30.9    .501
Stephane Pouliot               86    16    12    15      93,220    18.6    .321
Victor C Puddy                 89    11    14    12      86,500    12.4    .255
Isabelle D Darveau             31     7     5     1      38,292    22.6    .326
Marc-andre Simoneau            30     6     9     4      44,026    20.0    .411
Michael Armstrong              56     6     8    10      43,966    10.7    .246
Yves Tessier                   20     6     6     1      34,217    30.0    .483
Brian A Scott                  33     5     3     8      29,707    15.2    .282
Macy A Cassell Smyth           43     4     6     6      30,519     9.3    .217

                    Last 10 Days 28/4/2024 thru 30/5/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                   69    14    13    11      89,844    20.3    .360
Guy Gagnon                     34    12     7     7      64,541    35.3    .535
Stephane Pouliot               54    11     9     6      60,603    20.4    .333
Victor C Puddy                 55     5     8     9      49,028     9.1    .226
Isabelle D Darveau             23     5     4     1      29,232    21.7    .328
Brian A Scott                  18     5     3     3      24,450    27.8    .425
Michael Armstrong              37     4     7     7      32,092    10.8    .276
Yves Tessier                   11     3     4     1      18,367    27.3    .505
Benoit Hebert                  14     3     2     1      18,706    21.4    .317
William S Douglas               5     3     1     0      10,850    60.0    .711

                    Last 5 Days 16/5/2024 thru 30/5/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
TRAINERS                      Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UTRS
Mandy Archer                   35     8     8     3      49,692    22.9    .384
Guy Gagnon                     18     7     5     3      36,727    38.9    .598
Stephane Pouliot               29     6     4     3      31,151    20.7    .318
Michael Armstrong              21     3     4     5      21,227    14.3    .328
Brian A Scott                   7     3     1     1      12,286    42.9    .555
Yves Tessier                    5     2     1     1       8,882    40.0    .577
Jerome Lombart                  5     2     1     0       8,215    40.0    .511
Catherine Girard                4     2     0     1       8,144    50.0    .583
Ty Robillard                    3     2     0     1       6,472    66.7    .777
Marc-andre Simoneau            11     1     5     2      14,257     9.1    .404

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